Arch Shelter has been our Fabric Structure's identity since 2017.
We have done a backflip on unsustainable products and services and unfortunately the fabric structures industry has always been big on Fiberglass, Plastics and PVCs - thus some of the products we have promoted will either be changed to incorporate safe fabrics e.g. biodegradable canvas and water proofing, or will be dropped.
Splash will only deploy genuinely recyclable fabrics for any of our fabric structures, be they domes, pavilions or safe inflatables. We are on the hunt in earnest for fully biodegradable canvas and fabric treatment solutions.
The 100 Century Landfill - we will soon run out of space!
There is only one way we can save ourselves from the prolific amounts of Plastic and PVC's that we are still merrily pumping into our world and that is a safe
disposal system, i.e., one that does not apply an even more deadly toxins into our environment or come up with some other acceptable alternative.
What Do You Think Rocket Men?
In my marketing fantasies (which my cashed-up competition always take very seriously) an Intergalactic Rubbish Removal service for taking these and many other poisons off the planet for incineration, obviously somewhere far and safe.
Is the moon far enough away do you think for a big incinerator?
How about a Galactic Rubbish Train Run for liquifying our crap on Saturn (
21,000 F / 11,700 C) or Jupiter (63,932 F / 35,500 C)? Thats pretty hot! Steel burns at
1300°F to 1400°F (704°C to 760°C).
We lay posthumously at your feet.
Splash Arch Shelter